The Risks of Using Armed AoE Security Guards in Shopping Malls


Jul 11, 2024

As the holiday season approaches, shopping malls are gearing up for the influx of customers looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. With this increase in foot traffic, mall security becomes a top priority to ensure the safety of both shoppers and employees. However, there has been a growing trend in recent years of shopping malls hiring armed Area of Effect (AoE) security guards to handle potential threats. While this may seem like a logical solution, there are significant risks involved in using armed guards in crowded shopping malls.

Firstly, the presence of armed guards can create a sense of fear and tension among shoppers. The sight of individuals carrying rifles or handguns can be intimidating and may deter people from visiting the mall altogether. This can have a major impact on the mall’s revenue, especially during the busy holiday season when businesses rely on increased sales. This fear may also lead to shoppers rushing through their purchases or leaving the mall early, resulting in a negative shopping experience and a loss of potential customers.

Additionally, there is a high risk of accidents or incidents occurring when armed guards are present. Shopping malls are filled with people of all ages, including children, who may not fully understand the dangers of firearms. A simple mistake or mishandling of a weapon could result in severe injuries or even fatalities. Moreover, in the event of an actual threat, the use of firearms in a crowded space can put innocent bystanders at risk. This was evident in the tragic shooting at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2013, where armed guards accidentally shot and killed innocent shoppers while trying to neutralize the threat.

Furthermore, the use of armed guards in shopping malls can escalate minor incidents into dangerous situations. In the past, there have been numerous cases where security guards have overreacted to a minor dispute or disturbance, leading to the use of excessive force. This can result in injuries, lawsuits, and damage to the mall’s reputation. The presence of weapons can also give guards a false sense of power, causing them to act more aggressively than necessary. This is a concerning issue, especially when dealing with rowdy or argumentative shoppers.

Moreover, the use of armed guards in shopping malls raises concerns about their training and qualifications. While proper training and licensing are required for individuals to carry firearms, it is not always guaranteed that all guards have received adequate training. Shopping mall security guards are often employed by private security companies, and their training may not be as thorough as that of law enforcement officers.

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