The Use of Non-Lethal Weapons for Unarmed Security Guards


Unarmed security guards have an important job to do, keeping people and property safe. In some cases, they may need to use force to protect themselves or those they are assigned to protect. This can be a difficult situation, as they are not armed with lethal weapons. However, there are non-lethal options available that can help them do their job effectively and safely.

Non-lethal weapons are designed to incapacitate a suspect without causing serious injury or death. Common examples include pepper spray, stun guns, and tasers. These tools can be used to temporarily disable a suspect, allowing the security guard to detain them without putting either themselves or the suspect in danger.

Pepper spray is an effective form of non-lethal self-defense. It works by causing irritation and temporary blindness, making it difficult for the person to resist. It is also easy to use and can be used from a safe distance, making it ideal for security guards. A stream of pepper spray is less likely to cause permanent damage than a stream of bullets from a lethal weapon.

Stun guns are another popular form of non-lethal self-defense, especially for those who feel more comfortable with a more tactile tool. A stun

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